Tuesday, April 30, 2024

5 friendship lessons we learned from Dobby the house-elf

dobby the house elf

Indeed, this poignant episode is one of the most profoundly affecting moments ever crafted by J.K. It’s a testament to the evocative storytelling that has made the Harry Potter series a global phenomenon. Whether trapped in a tight spot or navigating complex magical conundrums, Dobby shows up, often in the most unexpected ways. Even if his methods raise eyebrows, his heart’s always in the right place.

Serving the Malfoy family

Because of their docile, obedient natures, some families abuse their house-elves; Dark wizard families in particular seem to make a habit thereof, as when the Malfoys forced Dobby to torture himself, or when the Black family customarily decapitated their house-elves as they became enfeebled by age. Nonetheless, most house-elves are horrified by freedom even from the most cruel masters. Dobby, the first introduced, is the sole exception; but this extends chiefly to voluntary service, paid labour, and choice of his own employment and costume. During her time at Hogwarts, Hermione establishes S.P.E.W. (the 'Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare') to champion House-elves' rights; but gains little interest from her classmates or the House-elves themselves. After Hermione begins leaving elf-sized clothes around the Gryffindor common room, intending for Hogwarts' House-elves to inadvertently free themselves while cleaning, the House-elves find the idea so insulting that Dobby is the only resident elf willing to clean in Gryffindor Tower.

Aberforth Dumbledore

dobby the house elf

Hagrid's love for animals gets him the teaching job for Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts beginning in Prisoner of Azkaban, following the retirement of the course's previous instructor. In their fourth year, Harry and his classmates take care of Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts (a crustacean-like predator), one of which (grown to giant size) is placed in the hedge maze for the final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Although its exoskeleton can repel spells, Harry is able to pass it unhurt.

Harry Potter Fans Asked to Stop Leaving Socks on Dobby's Grave - PEOPLE

Harry Potter Fans Asked to Stop Leaving Socks on Dobby's Grave.

Posted: Thu, 03 Nov 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Weasleys' creatures

1) A dobby is a part of a loom that allows geometric textures to be woven into piece of fabric. Can also refer to the fabric itself.2) 'Dobby" is also used in parts of Yorkshire and Lancashire to mean a Brownie (a benevolent goblin or elf). He enchanted a Bludger, closed the magic portal that leads to platform 9 ¾, interfered with Owl Post and stole letters, and knocked Lucius Malfoy down a flight of stairs. He also can disappear at will, even at Hogwarts where Apparition is "simply not possible." Dobby claims to be a secret keeper for Dumbledore. He also apparated in and out of an "escape proof" cellar at the Malfoy mansion.

Dobby was very fond of Dumbledore and knew he would never insult him, but he was awed by Dumbledore's gift of freedom of speech.[6] Dumbledore died in 1997; it is unknown how Dobby reacted, or whether he attended his funeral, but he was likely very upset by his death. Dobby's favorite gift to receive was socks, likely because he was freed from his enslavement to the Malfoys with a sock. He would get confused when he would get two of the same style and would often give socks as gifts as well. One most noticeable trait was how he punished himself every time he believed he had done something wrong, usually using something to hit his head or going as far as to iron his own hands.

Dobby and the House-Elves in the Wizarding World

Its distinctive features include the thick black hair that covers its body; its legspan, which may reach up to 15 ft (4.6 m); its pincers, which produce a distinctive clicking sound when the Acromantula is excited or angry; and a venomous secretion. The female is bigger than the male and may lay up to 100 eggs at a time. Acromantula eggs are defined as Class A Non-Tradeable Goods by the department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, meaning that severe penalties are attached to their importation or sale. But like on so many previous occasions when Harry had been in need of help, it wasn’t Dumbledore who came to his aid, but his faithful friend, Dobby.

A house-elf who was utterly devoted to Harry Potter, Dobby put himself at great risk (and in serious physical pain) when he went out of his way to protect the young wizard from what Dobby knew would be significant danger. His loyalty and bravery were rewarded eventually, as he was freed from his cruel wizarding family with a gratefully received dirty sock. Harry and Dobby became firm friends after that and more socks would come into Dobby's life. Dobby (28 June (year unknown), - March 1998) was a house-elf who served the Malfoy family. In 1992, he tried to warn Harry Potter of the plot to have the Chamber of Secrets reopened which he came to know via the contact between his masters and Lord Voldemort. He felt this was necessary because he was disobeying his masters, the Malfoy family.

If you find Dobby as fascinating as we do, we invite you to continue reading, exploring, and discussing this remarkable house elf who showed us all that freedom and friendship are gifts that have no equal. Dobby was a brave, loyal house-elf, willing to put himself in dangerous situations when he knew it to be the right thing to do. After a period of unemployment, Dobby went on to work in the kitchens at Hogwarts, for which he was paid one Galleon a week, and got one day off each month. Albus Dumbledore also told Dobby that he was free to call him a "barmy old codger" if he liked. He had been accompanied to Hogwarts by his friend Winky, who had recently been dismissed and had agreed to go looking for work .

Kreacher desires to leave Sirius and serve his next of kin, Bellatrix Lestrange and the Malfoys. He betrays Sirius and persuades Harry to go to the Department of Mysteries, where a trap has been laid. Sirius is killed by Bellatrix in the ensuing combat, while trying to save Harry.

Aberforth seemed to have a close attachment to Dobby, since he felt very sorry when he learned he died. At Christmas, Hermione always made clothes as gifts for all hard-working house elves at Hogwarts and she thought everyone loved them. In reality, Dobby confided to Harry that the he took all those gifts himself, as no elf dares to accept clothes, which are an insult for them and the symbol of unemployment.

Dobby looks doubtful when Harry asks whether he can speak ill of the Malfoys now that he is free, but then squares his shoulders and tells Harry that his old masters were bad Dark wizards. He stands for a moment after saying this, quivering all over, horrified by his own daring, then rushes over the nearest table and begins to bang his head on it to punish himself. He isn't yet used to being able to talk about the Malfoy family freely, but defiantly says that he doesn't care what they think anymore.

During the Battle of Hogwarts all the house-elves, with Kreacher as a leader, fought against the Death Eaters, without anyone ordering them to do so.[22] This indicates that they learned a house-elf can have a personal opinion, and that they should have as many rights as the humans. He did not make the rogue bludger chase Harry out of malicious intent, but because he was trying to save him from Lucius Malfoy's plot to open the Chamber of Secrets. When Harry found out he was furious but Dobby explained why he had tampered with the bludger and by the end of the year Harry had forgiven him. Harry, deeply grieving, decided to dig Dobby's grave by hand without using magic. Ron Weasley and Dean Thomas joined Harry and labored with him in digging the grave.

Thestrals have fangs and possess a well-developed sense of smell, which will lead them to carrion and fresh blood. According to Hagrid, they will not attack a human-sized target without provocation. They are capable of very fast flight for several hours at a time, though they usually spend their time on the ground; and they have an excellent sense of direction. In the Harry Potter universe, a Basilisk is a monstrous serpentine creature.

They do not appear to employ or need any technology more advanced than a bow and arrow. They are proud and territorial, therefore high diplomatic skills must be employed when dealing with centaurs. Displaying lack of respect to centaurs can have violent consequences, as Dolores Umbridge learned to her cost. In Deathly Hallows, the Hogwarts centaur herd, after being admonished fiercely by Hagrid, takes sides with the Order of the Phoenix, and assist in the Battle of Hogwarts. The Riddikulus charm is used to combat Boggarts, by changing their appearance into a less fearsome or even comical apparition, which weakens the creatures.

In an interview, Rowling stated this was to symbolise the loss of Dumbledore. When asked why Fawkes did not return to Harry due to his loyalty to Dumbledore, Rowling stated that Fawkes was non-transferable between owners. During the confrontation between Voldemort and Dumbledore in the Ministry of Magic at the climax of Order of the Phoenix (book only), Fawkes saves Dumbledore's life by swallowing a Killing Curse from Voldemort, then bursts into flame and is reborn as a chick from the ashes. From the third book to the sixth, Crookshanks is Hermione Granger's pet cat.

What is 2D Design? Basics, Use in Architecture and More

two dimensional design

When we look at the art created during this period, and the city states that created it, we make several observations. They are used by both the Sumerians and Egyptians to visually communicate the power of their societies and leaders. It was art for persuasion and to communicate the power of the Sumerian kings and Egyptian pharaohs. Additionally, the Sumerians developed cuneiform - the first written language evolving from pictographs, while the Egyptians developed visual communication through hieroglyphs. This foundational level hands-on course introduces the theoretical application of the elements and principles of two-dimensional design and the practical applications of color theory. Exercises in visual thinking and the use of traditional principles of composition and two-dimensional media are emphasized through sequential, skill building projects.

Questions related to Flat Design

The 2D design is an integral part of architecture that involves creating floor plans, elevations, and sections of a structure using 2D tools. When architects start to think about a project, they create the initial designs in 2D to help them visualize the space effectively. It allows them to identify potential problems and decide how to create a layout that meets the client's requirements. With the advancement of software like AutoCAD and SketchUp, architects can now create detailed 2D designs with ease, taking into account various aspects like environmental sustainability and accessibility. It's safe to say that 2D design has changed the way architects visualize and execute their projects, making it a key component in the field.

two dimensional design

Historical Perspective

It avoids the excessive use of gradients, textures, and drop shadows designed to deliver 3D effects for simpler elements focusing on simple flat elements, typography and flat color schemes. Topics covered include the design process and critical thinking, unity and focal point, scale/proportion, balance, rhythm, line, shape, volume, value, color usage in design, pattern, and texture. We can see the evolution of the Sumerian register concept as a means to visually communicate in 2D form in western ancient civilizations and empires.

two dimensional design


As this Gothic style replaced the Romanesque and quickly spread throughout Europe cathedrals were built with walls of stained glass, beautiful ornamentation, soaring heights by using flying buttresses and rose windows. The European cathedrals built during this era are considered the greatest artistic achievement of the Middle Ages. Draw 2D floor plans to scale in minutes and print with precision every time. Add dimensions in an easy to read table on the side of the floor plan to include them directly on key elements so every viewer can accurately picture the finished product.

What is 2D Design? 2D Design in Architecture

In the third lesson, you’ll learn best practices for designing with type and how to effectively use type for communication. We’ll provide you with a basic understanding of the anatomy of type, type classifications, type styles and typographic terms. You’ll also learn practical tips for selecting a typeface, when to mix typefaces and how to talk type with fellow designers.

New design could blast 2D solar cells into space - Materials Today

New design could blast 2D solar cells into space.

Posted: Wed, 07 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

It is often contrasted to the skeuomorphic style that gives the illusion of three dimensions through copying real-life properties. Its popularity became prominent with the release of Windows 8, Apple’s iOS 7, and Google’s Material Design, all of which utilize flat design. Forms and shapes are defined by the amount and quality of available light. When there is ample light, there may be many identifiable tones on visible forms. However, if you imagine an actor on a blacked out stage with one spotlight on him/her, the tones will be stark and in extreme contrast.

Learning to draw or design with tone requires the ability to differentiate between values. Constructing a value scale by either drawing, painting, or gluing paper in a evenly stepped sequence of light to dark is a worthy exercise to develop the ability recognize value changes. The line we create may have characteristics suggesting an organic form or a mechanical, man-made form. The line may enclose a space, or create a symbol such as a letter in an alphabet. Line, although an abstract construct, has the ability to visually communicate in a variety of ways. It is essential to understand the many characteristics of line when studying two-dimensional design.

Renaissance artists were understandably excited to create the illusion of depth in their paintings. Even Leonardo da Vinci adds a fantastical landscape backdrop to the Mona Lisa portrait. When you think of interior design, the first thing that may come to mind is the color scheme, furniture, and decor. But what about the two-dimensional design that brings it all together? 2D design in interior design is crucial for creating an aesthetically pleasing and functional space. It involves the arrangement of furniture and decor on a flat surface, such as a floor plan or mood board, to create a cohesive and balanced design.


Characteristics of the sensual organic line include the use of thick and thin, implied line (lose and find the line), and light and dark values. The Romans also used horizontal bas relief for commemorative public monuments such as the Ara Pacis.

The Best 2D CAD Software in 2024 (Some Are Free) - All3DP

The Best 2D CAD Software in 2024 (Some Are Free).

Posted: Sun, 28 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Flat design enables the UI designer to think of their designs as a functional tool. Their work will be measured based on the value that the design brings to the user rather than simply on aesthetic appeal. Many UI designers feel that this focus enables them to concentrate on user experience more than graphic design to the benefit of their businesses and customers alike. The use of attention grabbing bright (and highly contrasting) color, for example, can help make icons, images, etc. really stand out from backgrounds.

IOS7 showed how much could be achieved through flat design in the hands of skilled designers. It’s also easy to argue that the simplicity of flat design is what makes it so effective. The simpler the image that conveys a message – the easier the message is to understand. In 2013 Apple joined the flat design party with the release of iOS7 deliberately rejecting previous skeuomorphic designs. There is an added benefit of this design approach – it is not just for aesthetics – 2 dimensional objects are far easier to scale within responsive designs that adapt to different screen or browser sizes. This has become far more important with the advent of the mobile web.

The elements and principles of design are the building blocks from which images are made. Line, shape, texture, value and color are the basic elements of design. The principles of design are a wide range of organizational strategies such as balance; unity and variety; scale and proportion; rhythm and emphasis. When grouping objects, overlapping the objects will also create more of a sense of unity.

10 of our favourite Dobby moments

dobby the house elf

Following Sirius' death, Harry inherits all of Sirius' possessions, including a highly unwilling Kreacher. Harry immediately orders him to work at Hogwarts, where he comes to blows with Dobby about his lack of loyalty to Harry. Dobby also quickly becomes the only house-elf who will clean the Gryffindor common room, when Hermione leaves knitted clothing half-hidden around the room in an attempt to free the elves, which they find insulting.

What Harry Potter's Dobby Looks Like In Real Life

Harry Potter: Dobby's grave on Welsh beach saved for now - BBC.com

Harry Potter: Dobby's grave on Welsh beach saved for now.

Posted: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

What he needed to look really cool was a tower of hats, topped with a hooting Hedwig…we’re just glad that someone appreciated Hermione’s knitting. Even though Harry had managed to figure out that the second task of the Triwizard Tournament took place in the lake… he hadn’t sorted out how he was going to hold his breath for an entire hour. He brought Harry the Gillyweed that would let him breathe underwater and find his precious Wheezy. Lastly, Dobby tried his most risky and dangerous plan by making a Bludger attack Harry during a Quidditch match, hoping to send him back to Privet Drive injured, but alive.


The portrayal of giants as a dying breed is consistent with much of European folklore, where they are frequently described as primaeval creatures who built ruins and created strange landforms long before humans arrived. Despite their attachment to human emotion, dementors seem to have difficulty distinguishing one human from another, as demonstrated by Barty Crouch Jr.'s escape from Azkaban, wherein they could detect no emotional difference between the younger Crouch and his mother. Their sensitivity appears less precise in proportion to the emotion's 'complexity'; this particular weakness enabled Sirius Black, an Animagus, to escape Azkaban by transforming into a dog. The principal method against them is the Patronus Charm, which both protects its user and repels the dementors. The films depict the centaurs with bestial and animalistic facial features. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a female basilisk inhabits the Chamber of Secrets below Hogwarts.

dobby the house elf

Discovered in Book 2, Chapter 18, Dobby's Reward

Dobby must have been so terrified to go back to the place and the people that had terrorised him for so many years. While we all know the tragic ending to this chapter, we want to remember the moment that Dobby stood up to his former masters and proved once and for all that he really was a free elf. Dobby was a brave, loyal house-elf, willing to put himself in dangerous situations when he knew it to be the right thing to do.[3][2] He was also very loyal to the few friends he had. He considered himself to be a good house-elf, though other house-elves seemed to find his desires and proclamations of being a free house-elf to be shameful. When he went to work at Hogwarts he refused Dumbledore's original offer of ten Galleons a week and weekends off, opting instead for one Galleon a week and one day off per month. He explained to Harry, Ron, and Hermione that he liked freedom very much, but he liked work better.

dobby the house elf

Aberforth Dumbledore

For a list of magical plants mentioned in the series, see List of fictional plants. Fairies, pixies, gnomes, and most other creatures are classified as "beasts." Affairs related to ghosts are relegated to the Spirit Division. Originating in the southern areas, one specific legend about farfadets is that they were "wrinkled, brown-skinned midgets who went around either naked or wearing dirty rags", a description that is almost identical to Rowling's elves. The Farfadets would help around a farming home, completing tasks not done in the day by the human servants. They would leave forever if the master of the house gave them new clothes to replace their shabby old ones; once again, the parallels are obvious, though in this case, the reasoning is that Farfadets are proud creatures who are offended by the implication that their clothes needed replacing. MACUSA employed house-elf for numerous reasons, such as cleaning the wands of witches and wizards visiting the Magical Congress of the United States of America.[14] MACUSA may have also employed house-elves to clean the Woolworth Building, where the magical congress was located.

When Dobby saved his friends at Malfoy Manor

So, the moment that Dobby realised he was free of his toxic owners was definitely one of our favourite moments. Dobby (28 June (year unknown) – March 1998) was a male house-elf who served the Malfoy family. In 1992, he disobeyed his masters and tried to warn Harry Potter of the plot to have the Chamber of Secrets reopened. He came to know this via the contact between his masters and Lord Voldemort.

Harry obviously scoffs at this idea, which forces Dobby to conjure up some hijinks, attempting to force the wizard to stay in the Muggle world. Harry realizes that Dobby's heart is in the right place, and as the film wraps up, the young hero tricks Lucius Malfoy (Jason Isaacs), Dobby's owner, into setting the elf free. Hokey is a house-elf who works for Hepzibah Smith, an old woman deceived by Tom Riddle into showing him Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's cup, which he uses as two of his Horcruxes. Hokey's memory allows Harry and Dumbledore a glimpse of the visit Voldemort makes two days before Hepzibah Smith is poisoned and both treasures disappear; whereafter Riddle, who magically tampers with Hokey's memories, frames Hokey for Hepzibah's murder. She does not deny the accusation and is convicted for accidental murder. In the climax of the film, the existence of magic is revealed to the people of New York City, following a battle between American wizarding government MACUSA and an obscurial.

For example, despite his loathing for Sirius Black, Kreacher could not disobey his direct orders. However, when Sirius yelled at him to "get out", which he meant to get out of the kitchen, Kreacher was able to interpret the command in a way that enabled him to leave number 12 Grimmauld Place and go to Sirius' cousins, Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. After he gains his freedom, you might think he’d disappear into the sunset. He shows up again as a wage-earning worker in the Hogwarts kitchens, which, in the world of house-elf culture, is as avant-garde as it gets.

Magical creatures in Harry Potter

Much like when Dobby had to punish himself to tell Harry about the Chamber of Secrets, or when he stole Gillyweed for Harry to use during the Triwizard Tournament, Dobby risked everything to help out his friend in this chapter. From rescuing Harry and his friends from the Malfoy Manor to his tragic last moments, Dobby’s actions have left an indelible impression. There’s something about Dobby, the house-elf from the “Harry Potter” series, that leaves a lasting impression. His exit was more than just a narrative twist—it became a collective emotional experience, both in ink and on the big screen. This elf is on a freedom-fighting mission, defying the very overlords who once considered him property. In both the final book “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” and its preceding film, Dobby emerges as more than a sideshow attraction; he’s a cornerstone of heroism.

Harry and Ron managed to overpower Pettigrew when he hesitated, reminded of his life debt to Harry, and his own magical silver hand strangled him to death. Fellow house-elf Winky was devastated to have lost her job with Barty Crouch Jr, and descended into a drinking spiral at Hogwarts. To spare her blushes, Dobby would move her to the Room of Requirement when she had one too many and try to keep her spirits up in those dark moments. Whether it’s defending your friend’s honour in front of the school bully or telling off their boyfriend/girlfriend for upsetting them, standing up for your mates can be nerve-wracking.

While the films capture the essence of Dobby, it’s through the books that we get the full scope of his loyalty, mischievousness, and inherent desire for freedom. After failing to find a job during Harry's third year at Hogwarts, Dobby came to work at the kitchens of Hogwarts along with many other house elves, including Barty Crouch Sr.'s fired elf, Winky. Dobby's only conditions was to be allowed to wear clothes, much to the disgust of the other elves, who considered him an insane and deranged outsider for his independent behavior. Over the course of his employment at Hogwarts, Dobby became close friends with Aberforth Dumbledore and spent much time at Aberforth's home in Hogsmeade.

This gap between Dobby’s portrayal in the books and the films raises an intriguing question about adaptation choices, leaving one to wonder about the missed opportunities to delve into his character’s rich complexities on the big screen. The last time Lucius saw Dobby was in 1998, when Dobby came to Malfoy Manor to rescue Harry Potter and his friends. Dobby was eventually killed by Bellatrix Lestrange.[12] It is unknown how the Malfoys reacted when they learned of it.

Later in life, Hermione would advance the rights of house-elves in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, before transferring to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Sir Nicholas explained to them that the house-elves worked in hiding, and it was considered the mark of a good house-elf that they did all the work but their existence was not even noticed. In the past in part due to their absolute obedience, house-elves had been treated very brutally by their owners. House-elves had no rights of their own and were viewed as servants without feeling or emotions who simply obey without thinking, effectively making them slaves and property rather than individuals. During the 1996–1997 school year, Harry Potter ordered Kreacher to follow Draco Malfoy in order to find out what he was doing and where he was going, and carefully phrased his command to prevent Kreacher from contacting or alerting Draco. Kreacher, still reluctant to be owned by Harry, was unable to find a loophole in the orders about contacting Draco, but instead merely told Harry only about Draco's mundane daily activities.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Study designs: Part 4 Interventional studies PMC

pre and post test design

These external effects can confound the interpretation of the intervention's impact. In addition, “regression to the mean” may be an underlying cause of or contributor to changes observed over time. This refers to the tendency for extreme measurements to move towards the population mean in subsequent measurements.

How to Group Data by Hour in R (With Example)

Initially, seventy-six participants completed a questionnaire as part of the pre-test phase, subsequently invited to engage with all four VP cases, and finally responded to the post-test questionnaire evaluating clinical reasoning skills. Fifty-six participants successfully completed the entire study process and were considered in the analysis. The primary outcomes of this study were evaluated using a paired t-test for the statistical analysis. Pre-post designs are often used when an intervention is applied between the two time points. Like the pre-post design, a post-only design can include multiple post-tests to create post-post designs that take measurements throughout the intervention or after it finishes. The difference is whether the first test is at the start of the study or after the intervention has already begun.

A caution about gain/difference scores:

A larger sample size will improve the generalizability of the findings of this study. Again, the health education lasted little below an hour and a further study could improve on this. Worldwide, it is estimated that about 305,000 babies are born annually with SCA [2, 3]. Currently, Nigeria has the highest burden of SCD globally [3] accounting for 50% of new cases in the world [4,5,6]. Between 50 and 90% of 150,000 Nigerian children born annually with SCD die before their fifth birthday [7, 8] due to late diagnosis and delayed basic prophylactic interventions [9].

One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design: An Introduction

Degree recipients from the design & applied arts major at Otis College of Art and Design make $6,481 above the typical college grad in this field when they enter the workforce. There were approximately 228 design & applied arts students who graduated with this degree at UC Davis in the most recent data year. Degree recipients from the design & applied arts major at University of California - Davis make $6,024 above the typical graduate in this field shortly after graduation. The Best Colleges for Design majors ranking is based on key statistics and student reviews using data from the U.S.



Posted: Thu, 19 Oct 2023 08:51:16 GMT [source]

University of California - Los Angeles

Some additional methodological features are often added to this study design to further improve the validity of a trial. These include allocation concealment, blinding, intention-to-treat analysis, measurement of compliance, minimizing the dropouts, and ensuring appropriate sample size. The use of randomization is a major distinguishing feature and strength of this study design. A well-implemented randomization procedure is expected to result in two groups that are comparable overall, when both measured and unmeasured factors are taken into account. Thus, theoretically, the two groups differ only in the intervention received, and any difference in outcomes between them is thus related to the effect of intervention. In the fourth piece of this series on research study designs, we look at interventional studies (clinical trials).

Types of Pretest-Posttest Design

All four illness areas were assessed in this format (before and after the intervention). The study concluded that there was a statistically significant improvement of the knowledge of residents after the seminar. In some cases, where the intervention acts on a group of people at a given location, it becomes difficult to adequately randomize subjects (eg. an intervention that reduces pollution in a given area).

How to Count Unique Values in Column in R

Nonetheless, there are design strategies for non-experimental studies that can be undertaken to improve the internal validity while not eliminating considerations of external validity. In a pre-post research design, some criterion is needed to determine large or small change. Here we focus on distribution based methods (i.e., there is no external information or clinical referents, other than the test scores; Lydick and Epstein, 1993; Crosby et al., 2003; Revicki et al., 2008). These methods attempt to identify the smallest change that cannot be explained by sampling random fluctuations or by measurement error (Jacobson and Truax, 1991; Crosby et al., 2003; Bauer et al., 2004). This amount of change is usually called statistically reliable, minimally detectable or just reliable change (Maassen, 2000; Beaton et al., 2001; de Vet et al., 2006). You want a good idea of how effective your treatment is, so you find a wide range of participants, from little anxiety to a whole lot.

pre and post test design

What Is Pretest-Posttest?

The only basis of deriving a conclusion from these studies is the temporal relationship of the measurements to the intervention. However, the outcome can instead be related to other changes that occurred around the same time as the intervention, e.g., change in diet or implementation of alcohol use restrictions, respectively, in the above examples. The change can also represent a natural variation (e.g., diurnal or seasonal) in the variable of interest or a change in the instrument used to measure it. Thus, the outcomes observed in such studies cannot be reliably attributed to the specific intervention, making this a weaker design than RCT.

University of California - Santa Cruz

Comparing the effectiveness of transdiagnostic treatment with acceptance and commitment therapy on emotional ... - BMC Gastroenterology

Comparing the effectiveness of transdiagnostic treatment with acceptance and commitment therapy on emotional ....

Posted: Tue, 06 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Thus, two nurses marked the same answer sheet separately and awarded scores separately. A third nurse compiled the marks and registered the average from the scores awarded by the two nurses. Any answer not on a pre-determined list of answers was not considered in grading. In that case, the answer was graded as the usual practice of grading case studies of nurses in Rwanda. This study used a pre-post test design to assess the outcomes of the intervention [19].

For general knowledge, you write up a short test about historical, scientific, and literary ideas. As with any research design, the various types of pretest-posttest designs each have pros and cons. If a new medication or therapy becomes available, researchers can collect data on the patients' condition before the intervention is implemented and compare that data with the outcomes after the intervention. Design Patterns provide distilled object-oriented design expertise that can be applied to resolve problems that recur within complex software architectures. This advanced design course analyzes, in depth, the classic GoF design patterns, and provides students with an understanding of the principles behind these patterns that make them work as optimal software solutions. Design heuristics are studied to know when to follow certain design principles and when to violate them.

It is tempting to argue that students should not have prior knowledge, perceptions, etc., and skip the pre-test. However, the conclusions that can be drawn about changes with a pre-test are much stronger than without one. Some researchers use a truncated pre-test to reduce measurement requirements when no prior knowledge is expected. A pretest-posttest experimental design is a quasi-experimental approach, which means the aim of the approach is to establish a cause-and-effect relationship. In order to measure anxiety, a self-report questionnaire was used as a pretest and posttest. Kimport & Hartzell conducted a one-group pretest-posttest quasi-experiment to study the effect of clay work (as an art therapy) on reducing the anxiety of 49 psychiatric inpatient volunteers.

These studies differ from observational studies in that the investigator decides whether or not a participant will receive the exposure (or intervention). In this article, we describe the key features and types of interventional studies. The benefit of using a separate-sample pretest-posttest design is that it avoids some of the most common biases that other quasi-experimental designs suffer from. You believe that the development of resilience in childhood is essential to optimal development. You know that there is a biological component to resilience in that some children are born more resilient than others, but also believe that resilience can be taught. Write two to three paragraphs explaining how you would implement a pretest-posttest design, and why it would be necessary for this study.

When a new intervention, e.g., a new drug, becomes available, it is possible to a researcher to assign a group of persons to receive it and compare the outcome in them to that in a similar group of persons followed up in the past without this treatment (”historical controls”). This is liable to a high risk of bias, e.g., through differences in the severity of disease or other factors in the two groups or through improvement over time in the available supportive care. This type of study would involve testing your participants' anxiety levels, providing them with therapy as the experimental manipulation, and then testing their anxiety levels again. Have you ever tried to go about your day when you haven't showered, brushed your teeth, or really cleaned yourself? Let's say you're a researcher who is interested in how much the feeling of being unclean affects judgment and general knowledge.

I created this website to help researchers conduct studies from concept to publication. Introduction to Statistics is our premier online video course that teaches you all of the topics covered in introductory statistics. Statology is a site that makes learning statistics easy by explaining topics in simple and straightforward ways. Our team of writers have over 40 years of experience in the fields of Machine Learning, AI and Statistics.

These types of studies are well-suited to settings where there is routine enumeration of a cohort based on a specific eligibility criteria, such as enrolment in a health plan or employment group, or from a disease-based registry, such as for diabetes (27, 42). It has also been reported that this design can increase efficiency and statistical power in contrast to cluster-based trials, a crucial consideration when the number of participating individuals or groups is small (22). It can be useful to obtain pre-test data or baseline characteristics to improve the comparability of the two groups. In the most controlled situations within this design, the investigators might include elements of randomization or matching for individuals in the intervention or comparison site, to attempt to balance the covariate distribution. Implicit in this approach is the assumption that the greater the similarity between groups, the smaller the likelihood that confounding will threaten inferences of causality of effect for the intervention (33, 47). Thus, it is important to select this group or multiple groups with as much specificity as possible.

Pre-post designs are fit for evaluating interventions or treatments implemented in real-world settings. They provide insights into the effectiveness of these interventions in everyday practice, reflecting the outcomes occurring outside of the controlled research environment typical of RCTs. The real-world practice context can help researchers understand the potential limitations, challenges, and benefits of the intervention when applied in the wider population. This pilot study demonstrates that focused health education among pregnant women has a positive effect on their knowledge of SCD and NBS. Regular conduct of such educational programs has the potential to dispel any cultural myths and practices surrounding SCD and NBS. Results from this pilot study will ultimately guide the development of a large-scale community-based intervention to address the research and program gaps for SCD newborn screening in Nigeria.

Alignment Growth invests in Brent Montgomery's Wheelhouse

wheel house

As cannabis has become legalized for both medicinal and recreational use in California, numerous cannabis dispensaries have emerged, catering to the demand of residents and visitors alike. We are an award-winning marijuana dispensary located in Port Hueneme, CA. Weed delivery near me is an amazing place where Wheelhouse absolutely strives to make every customer satisfied, seen, acknowledged, and recognized. We carry weed vape pens, THC oil, THC vapes, and make sure to give you excellent service on every cannabis delivery order. In addition, we have THC vape pen, and are not too far from Venice Beach, Marina Del Rey, Culver City and Manhattan beach.

The London Eye Reality Show? Wheelhouse Signs Deal With Merlin to Develop Unscripted TV Based on Global Attractions

After meeting up with Liz Randall and recruiting his longtime friend and bandmate Tommy Smyth, together they formed the band Wheelhouse. Although he mainly plays acoustic these days, every once in a while he will pull out one of his electric guitars just to show that he can still wail. The investment will allow Wheelhouse to make acquisitions and attract talent.

Man's giving spirit remembered after deadly ice accident on Mille Lacs: 'He was exactly like Santa to everyone' - KSTP

Man's giving spirit remembered after deadly ice accident on Mille Lacs: 'He was exactly like Santa to everyone'.

Posted: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Services to share this page.

I know that hiking and outdoor stuff isn’t really in her wheelhouse, but she’s told me multiple times she’d be fine with taking a camping trip as long as I’m the one who does the bulk of the planning, since it’s my area of expertise. "In my wheelhouse" is a versatile idiom used to express that something is within one's area of expertise or preference. It has its roots in nautical terminology but has evolved to be used in various formal and informal contexts to convey a sense of comfort and proficiency in a specific area.

Wheel Warehouse

wheel house

Wheel Warehouse sponsored race cars, had a huge presence at the Long Beach Grand Prix events, displayed annually at the LA Auto Show, and were innovators in the "plus sizing" world by outfitting cars with larger wheels and tires - something completely unheard of at the time. The year we kicked this adventure at the Orange Swap Meet in Southern California. Set up as a "cash and carry," we sold brands such as Western Wheels, Cragar, Centerline and American Racing to our loyal customers. With the aftermarket wheels segment in its infancy, Wheel Warehouse was at the forefront of getting the wheel industry to where it is today. Merlin owns over 140 attractions across 23 countries, more landmarks than any other entertainment destinations company.

Wheelhouse Fish Co. coming to Urban Eats food hall in South St. Louis - St. Louis Magazine

Wheelhouse Fish Co. coming to Urban Eats food hall in South St. Louis.

Posted: Thu, 18 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

SEDLEY JENSEN, 6 and 12 strings guitars, Vocals, and sometimes Ukulele or Mandolin. A few years later (when he was in high school) he thought he would give it another try. But this time, instead of taking lessons, he decided he would teach himself. He kept up with it and by the time he was a senior his band Night Shift played and won the annual Battle of the Bands. This was back in the 70’s so Sedley has been playing classic rock long before it was ever called “classic”.

They may host events, workshops, and educational sessions to promote responsible cannabis use, highlight the potential health benefits, and address any concerns or misconceptions surrounding cannabis. This approach fosters a sense of inclusivity and ensures that customers are well-informed about the products they are purchasing. If you are searching for “cannabis venice,” “venice dispensary,” “dispensary in venice beach,” “dispensaries in venice,” you will probably find out that we are not open 24 hours a day. It’s worth noting that while cannabis is legal in California, there are regulations in place to ensure responsible usage. Customers must be of legal age (21 years or older) to enter a dispensary and purchase cannabis products.

Wheelhouse Venice Dispensary

Strategic cross-promotion is expected to form another pillar of the partnership. Wheelhouse, a NYC-based provider of an independent content and talent platform, received an investment from Alignment Growth. Founded in 2018 by Montgomery, who was then coming off his sale of Leftfield Entertainment to ITV in 2014, and Jimmy Kimmel, Wheelhouse assets currently include Spoke Studios, Campfire, Butternut, Wheelhouse UK and DNA.

The company plans to use the fresh cash to attract new talent and pursue strategic acquisitions. Terms of the funding round weren’t disclosed, but Bewkes will join the board of the company, which owns Spoke Studios, Campfire, Butternut and Additive Creative Partners, and has production deals with Jimmy Kimmel’s Kimmelot and David Chang’s Majordomo. I was just backing into the wheelhouse again when there was a flash and a roar. I looked up hastily to see Bothwell's malevolent face in the wheelhouse window. In addition to these at least two more had been blooded in the scrimmage at close quarters outside the wheelhouse. As an historian, Lepore finds the cause of Tea Party well inside her own wheelhouse.

wheel house

The argument over taxes and entitlement programs is tailor-made for Cavuto, whose wheelhouse is financial news. Your brother, the serial killer of serial killers, is right in your wheelhouse. City Slickers was really fun because it was so out of my wheelhouse to become as good on a horse as I became, which is a crazy story.

It marks Wheelhouse’s first outside capital raise since Mongtomery, who sold 80% of Pawn Stars producer Leftfield Entertainment to ITV for $360M in 2014, founded in 2018. Alignment Growth, which raised $360M to put into media and entertainment companies last year, has taken a minority stake in Wheelhouse. In 2023, Wheelhouse sold 20 series that are in various stages of production for Netflix, Hulu, Roku, Paramount+, HGTV, Food Network and OWN. They subsequently formed Alignment, which raised $360 million a year ago to invest in media, entertainment and gaming companies.

Marketing the store was our top priority with our participation in events was a large focus making sure everyone in Southern California knew the Wheel Warehouse name. Founded in 2018 by Founder and CEO Brent Montgomery, Wheelhouse provides a content and talent platform. Moreover, many cannabis dispensaries in Venice prioritize community engagement and education.

Since then he has been in a number of different cover bands playing hundreds of gigs throughout the Southern California area. Some of these bands include Four Wheel Drive, First Class, Red Ball Jets, Aftershox, and Trainwreck. After many years of playing primarily electric lead guitar, Sedley decided he wanted to focus more on playing acoustic guitar.

Wheelhouse, meanwhile, is behind original series for Netflix, Hulu and Max, as well as a wide variety of U.S. cable and broadcast networks. Prior to launching Wheelhouse, Montgomery was CEO of ITV America, which produces international hits including “Hell’s Kitchen”, “Queer Eye” and “Alone”. That’s part of the plan following a new partnership between Brent Montgomery’s media company Wheelhouse and Merlin Entertainment. Ling told Term Sheet he will stick with his wheelhouse of subscription-based businesses and mobile marketplaces.

Wheelhouse Entertainment Taps Pam Healey As President Of Spoke Studios

wheel house

Jon wants the skating rink and the bar to work as two different businesses so both can succeed. Venice’s cannabis dispensaries vary in terms of their ambiance, product selection, and overall experience. Some dispensaries emphasize a modern and sleek aesthetic, while others embrace a more relaxed and bohemian vibe, reflecting the unique character of the neighborhood. Venice, a vibrant and eclectic neighborhood in Los Angeles, California, is known for its laid-back atmosphere, artistic culture, and diverse community.

Wheelhouse Takes Investment From Jeff Bewkes & Kevin Tsujihara's Alignment Growth

These establishments provide a safe and regulated environment for individuals to purchase cannabis products, ensuring quality control and adherence to state laws. Healey most recently served as general manager for nearly seven years at Warner Bros.’ Shed Media, and as EVP for nine years at lifestyle production company High Noon – developing, selling, producing and overseeing such series as Who Do You Think You Are? Here we are - almost half way through the decade and after a start that no one saw coming, we feel like we're finally starting to turn the corner on what's been an "interesting" few years. With the pandemic seemingly affecting a lot of business, many of of long time vendors and competition included, we've managed to continue building on our past relationships to be able to offer our loyal customers great deals and our longstanding expertise. Big hair, neon colors, spandex, "Super Freak," "Back to the Future" and a whole bunch of other things we all miss dearly - but also the decade where our story really begins. With the opening our our retail store in the city of Anaheim, CA - we set out to change the world by offering a full service car modification center offering the biggest names in wheels, tires and suspension.

Wheelhouse Entertainment Taps Pam Healey As President Of Spoke Studios

Jesse purchased the bar in 2008, which means he’s owned it for around eight years at the time of the Wheel House Bar Rescue episode. Interestingly, it’s located on Florida Ave, even though the bar is in California. As laws and regulations surrounding cannabis evolve, it’s essential for those interested in visiting a cannabis dispensary in Venice or any other location to stay updated with current regulations, licensing requirements, and any local restrictions that may apply. Dispensary that deliver near me is important for medical use of cannabis. Wheel house is a cannabis delivery near me that has pot near me for users who are looking for an elevated experience with high quality products. If you are searching for “marijuana dispensary near me,” and “cannabis deals,” it is important to make sure you are in the right location.


These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'wheelhouse.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors.

In My Wheelhouse: Definition, Meaning, and Origin

Additionally, Wheelhouse has production partnerships with Kimmel’s Kimmelot and celebrity chef David Chang’s Majordomo Media. Brent Montgomery’s media company Wheelhouse has secured its first outside round of funding, landing a minority investment from former Time Warner chief Jeff Bewkes‘ investment firm Alignment Growth. Wheelhouse, the production, content and talent management firm founded by Brent Montgomery, has secured an investment from Alignment Growth, the firm founded the former Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes and former Warner Bros. We gave the Skippers voice time to reach the wheelhouse, and then saw the wake visibly tauten out.

For Spoke Studios, Nothacker will work hand in hand with Healey; he will also work directly with Wheelhouse Entertainment’s other label heads on their projects. While most product is on shelves ready to ship, some product is special order where lead times may vary. Once your order has shipped, it could be one day or five to six, depending on where you're located and where your order ships from. If we can go back in time, the 90s were what we feel were the pinnacle of the aftermarket wheel industry. The "it" manufacturer was MHT with powerhouse brands such as Niche, Concept Neeper, Foose and of course, MHT. Furthermore, the collaboration will integrate talent and digital strategies through Wheelhouse DNA, Wheelhouse’s creator-focused division, and talent-management arm Additive Creative.

Premiere Dates For New & Returning Series On Broadcast, Cable & Streaming

New KC Wheel at Pennway Point set to open this week in Kansas City - WDAF FOX4 Kansas City

New KC Wheel at Pennway Point set to open this week in Kansas City.

Posted: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

If you are searching for “marijuana delivery near me,” or “cannabis dispensary near me,” or “weeds shop near me,” and “stiiizy near me,” make sure that you are properly situated. If you are a vendor looking to partner with us on placing your brand products on your shelf, please ONLY contact us by applying here. Another huge milestone came in 2016 when we said goodbye to our home of thirty-plus years in Anaheim and relocated to the city of Orange, where we're located today.

Wheelhouse Takes Investment From Jeff Bewkes & Kevin Tsujihara’s Alignment Growth

wheel house

It can also ensure that you’re not taking on projects that aren’t in your wheelhouse. Whether navigating the high seas or just navigating a conversation, knowing the meaning and usage of "in my wheelhouse" can help you express yourself more clearly and understand others better. Yes, it can be used to describe a group's collective expertise or the alignment of a task with a group's skills and knowledge. Yes, "in my wheelhouse" can refer to both mental and physical abilities, such as knowledge in a subject area or proficiency in a sport.

wheel house

Pennway Point Ferris wheel awaiting final inspection to open - Kansas City Star

Pennway Point Ferris wheel awaiting final inspection to open.

Posted: Tue, 12 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

In addition to offering a diverse array of cannabis products, dispensaries in Venice often have knowledgeable staff who can provide guidance and recommendations based on individual needs and preferences. Whether you’re a seasoned cannabis connoisseur or new to the world of cannabis, dispensary employees can offer valuable insights and help you navigate through the different strains, consumption methods, and dosages available. With the emergence of more and more aftermarket wheel, tire and suspension brands, business was at an all time high.

Future workshops with more depth on security topics may divulge additional details given the distance in time from that particular incident and because information security is in our wheelhouse. Yes, it can be used in negative sentences to express that something is not within one's area of expertise or preference, e.g., "Repairing cars is not in my wheelhouse." Yes, it is a metaphorical expression implying that a task or subject is within one's area of expertise, similar to how a wheelhouse is a place of control on a ship. There are several other expressions and idioms that convey similar meanings to "in my wheelhouse."

Additionally, dispensaries typically require valid identification to verify age and residency. What sets us apart from other marijuana dispensaries, is that really do care about our community. You may have heard of the “Marina del rey dispensary” before, but if you have not, we are located on the Kinney venice beach, venice pier, abbot Kinney boulevard venice ca near medmen venice beach abbott Kinney. The 2010s were a big one for the Wheel Warehouse brand - in 2011, a veteran to the team, Chris Granger and business partner, Mike Yablonka purchased from company founder, Rob Cullen and family. Looking to build on the legacy that Rob had put together, Chris and Mike along with a handful of team members that were twenty years in, forged new relationships with long time vendors and worked tirelessly to restructure the brand to what it is today. With most of the aftermarket wheel industry located in our backyard, we were the go-to location where not only customers, but vendors and car manufacturers, came to get their fitment information.

These examples from various media illustrate the idiom's versatility and its ability to convey the concept of personal expertise and comfort in different contexts. The idiom "in my wheelhouse" has numerous appearances in popular culture, emphasizing its widespread use and recognition. "In my wheelhouse" means something is within one's area of expertise or knowledge. The bar also has an official website and seems to be pretty active on its social media profiles. Ken Undergaro returns and notices the customers and staff really like Jesse. The staff members are all former customers who look at Jesse as a father.

The idiom originates from the term "wheelhouse," which refers to a part of a boat or ship where the steering wheel is located. This idiom is a fascinating expression used by many people to convey that something is within their area of expertise or aligns with their skills and interests. They even have whacky events like an 80’s themed roller skating day, and the roller skating rink still seems to get good use.

It refers to something within a person's knowledge, expertise, or ability. When someone uses this idiom, they are usually expressing that a task or subject aligns well with their skills and experiences. Please remember that the information provided here is based on my knowledge up until September 2021, and the specific details, availability, and regulations may have changed since then. It’s always a good idea to research and consult local sources, directories, or official websites to find accurate and up-to-date information about cannabis dispensaries in Venice or any other area. Cannabis dispensaries in Venice offer a wide range of cannabis products, including flowers, concentrates, edibles, topicals, and more.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Contemporary House Designs, House Plans & Floor Plans

contemporary home design plans

And while this certainly has been shown in rooms like the living room and bedroom, you might forget about all of the small ways you can express your style in your bathroom decor. This Bel-Air property has a show-stopping swimming pool that snakes around the property’s curved boundary. The 20,000-square-foot home has a professional tennis court, a twenty-person movie theater, a gym & spa, and a huge wine room. Located in a village in the suburbs of Kyiv, Ukraine, this unusual home evolved from a fresh take on Ukrainian traditions and the perfectly imperfect harmony of the Japanese wabi-sabi philosophy. The irregularities of the site include a large tunnel that penetrates Mt. Eba. In Aveiro, West Portugal, this coastal house belongs to a multigenerational family unit.

What is a modern house plan?

Many home designs in this category feature a look and feel that expresses a value for energy efficiency, unique use of space, and exterior and interior features of a modern persuasion. The exterior of Contemporary house plans is often marked by geometric shapes and irregular, asymmetrical facades that are pleasing to the eye. One of biggest advantages of a Contemporary style house plan is its versatility; additions and renovations can easily be added in the future to provide more space for growing families.

What is a contemporary house plan?

We even have plans with videos to help you get a closer look inside the home. The cost to build a modern contemporary home can range from around $200+ per square foot to $600+ or more per square foot, depending on the materials and finishes used. Much like those low-waisted jeans you may still have tucked away in a bin in your attic, home trends have a way of coming back into style. Luckily, the vintage trends we see in the bathroom space are much more flattering. McGee noted that she’s been loving all of the vintage elements coming back into popularity, including in her collection with Kohler, proving that these elements have staying power and will continue to be beloved.

A Modern House On A Challenging Sloped Terrain

Given the many variables involved, it's always advisable to consult with an architect, designer, or builder in your specific location to get a more accurate estimate based on your requirements and preferences. Kristin is a Lead Editor at Forbes Home and has nearly a decade of professional experience as a writer and editor. She's previously worked at sites like Talking Points Memo, Insider, Delish, Angi and HomeAdvisor. She has a passion for lifestyle topics and has extensive experience researching and reporting on topics that will help make your house a home.

Shop House Plans

Villa Victoria is a meld of modern and Andalusian architectural influence with indoor and outdoor water features and attractive gardens. This long, linear home design offers an expansive floor plan to accommodate every member of the family with their own personal space. Located in bustling Bangkok, this modern household offers a slice of serenity, away from the masses.

30 Places to Find Cheap Home Decor, According to Pros - Real Simple

30 Places to Find Cheap Home Decor, According to Pros.

Posted: Mon, 11 Dec 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Limited fenestration and solid, brutalist blocks give this Housten-based home a fortress-like appearance. The entrance to the 2900-square-foot home design is tucked inside the two overlapping walls at the front. This Singaporean home has a huge pre-war rain tree in its landscaped garden. The home is focused on the tree’s presence, which is observed through glazed walls that fully retract and offer a seamless indoor-outdoor connection.

Features to Look for in Contemporary House Plans

contemporary home design plans

While following the latest trends can be fun, lately designers have been seeing a shift towards homeowners going off the beaten bath and creating spaces that are uniquely their style. A state-of-the-art modern home, Villa La Toca features a 390-square-meter illuminated terrace with a rounded 59-square meter-swimming pool and wraparound views. An illuminated staircase leaves the bright stage, dropping into a tree-lined descent. A gabled profile, floor-to-ceiling windows, and wood paneling give this home a distinct Californian mid-century modern vibe, reminiscent of an Eichler home.

Featured House Plans

As well as being incredibly striking, the curves expand the sense of space. This large modern home design in Lucknow city was broken into smaller fragments to integrate modestly into its tightly packed neighborhood. The decorative screens that shade the interior are based on traditional ‘chikan’ embroidery. Rammed earth gives this modern structure reduced solar heat gain, which keeps the temperature a comfortable 7 and 10 degrees cooler than the climate of Gujarat. Using sustainable building practices from our past, the 3000-square-foot house blends sympathetically with the natural habitat and farmlands.

A Beautifully Landscaped Brutalist House

The glazed walls seamlessly link the living room and master bedroom to a family-focused patio area. – Redesigning kitchen, living room, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. and rearranging room location in the floor plan. Our design team can make changes to any plan, big or small, to make it perfect for your needs. Our Cost-to-Build Reports will get you the cost to build a specific house design in a specific zip code. The Plan Collection offers a variety of plans ranging from traditional, modern style to contemporary to ultra-contemporary angular designs.

The glass pool was the most challenging and integral part of this home design, which is a 477-square-meter duplex in São Paulo, Brazil. To make the client’s swimming pool dreams come true, the pool became a unique living room feature. Shining white render cuts cleanly above a base of rustic stone walls in this modern home build. The stacked, three-story arrangement reflects in huge a swimming pool that wraps the perimeter.

A modern house plan refers to a specific style of architecture that emerged in the early 20th century and continues to be popular in the 21st century. These designs are characterized by simplicity, functionality, and embracing progressive design elements that challenge traditional notions of what a home should look like. Contemporary house plans typically display an exterior without ornamentation, extensive and varied expanses of glass inserts, brick or perhaps, stonework, and miscellaneous mixed metals. One of the unique exterior features of contemporary home plans is their flat or sloped rooflines, with expansive window views producing open, airy, and grand interiors. Architectural Designs’ curated collection of the best house plans in North America is unrivaled.

They feature clean lines with minimal, if any, decoration and put an emphasis on bright, open, and spacious interiors. Despite their focus on simplicity, modern house plans are incredibly diverse and come in all kinds of looks. For instance, modern house plans often feature large expanses of custom-made glass, high-end finishes, and unique construction methods, which can increase costs. Specialty or luxury materials such as steel, concrete, or imported wood can also raise prices.

However, regarding modern homes specifically, you might expect to be on the higher end of this spectrum or even exceed it due to the factors mentioned earlier. The use of industrial materials, another key characteristic of modern homes, can also contribute to higher costs. While aesthetically appealing and durable, materials like steel, glass, and concrete are often more expensive than traditional building materials like wood or brick but check locally. While the basic tenets of modern design, such as simplicity and minimalism, might suggest potential cost savings, other elements can contribute to increased costs. For instance, the large, floor-to-ceiling windows that are a defining feature of modern homes are typically more expensive than standard windows due to their size and the specialized installation they require. One of the more important natural features of contemporary homes is the use of natural light, whether by large windows in uncommon positions, panoramic window walls, or ample skylights.

Follow us for a daily dose of outstanding homes, intelligent architecture & beautiful design. Carla House is located in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, where the view reaches all the way to the Hollywood sign. The 20,000-square-foot home has two wings settled on either side of a 2,000-square-foot upper deck, above an 84-foot-long lap pool. Built on a mountain ridge, below Cape Town’s Lion’s Head peak, this home enjoys 360-degree views. The architecture navigates the steep pitch of the site with a layered arrangement, which is entered via the mid-level.

Backward Design Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence University of Illinois Chicago

backwards design in education

This feedback guides you in adjusting instructions and ensures that all students are learning. First, I think about what skills I want my students to have at the end of the year—this can be based on both essential social and emotional skills and the needs of current students. All kids need to learn kindness, cooperation, collaboration, etc., but maybe some require more help with time management or self-advocacy. Make a list of all the skills they need—these are your essential questions or enduring understandings. The first step to producing quality online, blended or face-t0-face courses is quality course design.

UbD: Stages of Backward Design

Okay, so we’ve looked very closely at one small unit for a middle school science class. Some chapters we did in class (I would read to them, then they would read silently), and others at home. Some students became as absorbed in the novel as I’d hoped they would; others, not so much. Predictably, some fell behind in the book like they did with all assigned reading. Since its publication in the 1990s, Understanding by Design has evolved in series of popular books, videos, and other resources.

Dick and Carey model (also known as the systems approach model)

One reason so many of us don’t remember much of what we learned in school is that we learned it through this haphazard, topic-driven approach. These random activities are taking up precious time that could be spent on much more valuable stuff. We recognise the Ongoing Custodians of the lands and waterways where we work and live. We pay respect to Elders past and present as ongoing teachers of knowledge, songlines and stories. We strive to ensure every Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander learner in NSW achieves their potential through education. Information that fits within this question is the lowest priority content information that will be mentioned in the lesson, unit, or course.

backwards design in education

Basic Steps of Backward Design Lesson Plans

In most public schools, the educational goals of a course or unit will be a given state’s learning standards—i.e., concise, written descriptions of what students are expected to know and be able to do at a specific stage of their education. As a strategy for designing, planning, and sequencing curriculum and instruction, backward design is an attempt to ensure that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in school, college, or the workplace. In other words, backward design helps educators create logical teaching progressions that move students toward achieving specific—and important—learning objectives. Backward Design is an instructional design approach that begins by first defining the desired outcomes and objectives and then creating the assessments, instructional activities, and materials to help learners achieve those outcomes.

Stage 3: Plan learning experiences and instruction

Exploring the philosophy, process and benefits of backward lesson design. Let’s take a look at an example to illustrate the difference between a unit planned the traditional, topic-driven way, and the same unit planned with backward design. This teaching guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. “Aligning teaching for constructive learning.” Higher Education Academy Discussion Paper. Get articles with higher ed trends, teaching tips and expert advice delivered straight to your inbox. Designing a course or curriculum by beginning with the end in mind and designing toward that end.

Stages of Backward Design (Understanding by Design (UbD))

The backward design approach to curriculum development first establishes educational goals and then builds assessment and instruction to serve those goals. The process of planning assignments and lessons by instructors to achieve pre-set instructional goals is called backwards mapping. Backward design is an educational approach that starts with learning outcomes and objectives. As an educator, you plan lessons and units by first thinking about what you want students to know and do by the end of the learning experience. Now it is time to plan the lessons, determine reading assignments, method of instruction, and other classroom activities to support student learning. With students’ needs in mind, instructors can choose the most appropriate methods to help their students achieve the learning objectives.

A fun and winding path to becoming a community college teacher - College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

A fun and winding path to becoming a community college teacher.

Posted: Thu, 05 May 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Your learning outcomes should be achievable for the students in your class and achievable in the time allotted to your subject. Crafting realistic learning outcomes requires some understanding of students’ prior knowledge and skills in your subject. The purpose of the backward design is to ensure that students are learning the most important material. This ensures that all of the activities and assessments are aligned with the desired learning outcomes.

Using anticipated learning outcomes for backward design of a molecular cell biology Course‐based Undergraduate Research Experience. Objectives, assessments and learning activities are three cornerstones of backward design. Wiggins and McTighe propose a framework called Six Facets of Understanding as a guide for building effective assessments.

A defining feature of Backward Design is its alignment between learning objectives, assessments and feedback, and learning activities and instructional materials. In this template, think of goals as the course learning outcomes (CLOs), the essential understandings as the core concepts and competencies, and performance tasks as the learning objective. Instructional strategies are the teaching methods by which you present new information to your students. Methods can include teacher-centered approaches like demonstrations or lectures, or student-centered approaches like peer discussion and inquiry-based learning. Your backwards lesson planning should incorporate both instructional strategies and instructional activities.

Facilitating Student Curiosity: Strategies and Resources (Opinion) - Education Week

Facilitating Student Curiosity: Strategies and Resources (Opinion).

Posted: Thu, 25 Jan 2018 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Coherent learning experiences & teaching that evoke and develop the desired understandings, promote interest and make excellent performance more likely. With this clear target in place, educators are better equipped to teach. Backward design is a systematic and intentional way to ensure that students are learning relevant topics. It focuses on equipping students with the information and skills they need not what needs to be covered. You can also use technology and other tools to improve your lesson plans and make teaching more interesting for students.

Backward design in education is a lesson planning strategy that starts with the final assessment, then asks teachers to build their lessons toward that goal. This differs from transitional lesson design, in which teachers identify content they need to cover, build relevant lessons, then create the final assessment. Backward lesson design encourages teachers to be more intentional about their lesson plans and ensures that they make the best use of class time. Some teachers may fear that backward design emphasizes “teaching to the test,” which puts unfair pressure on students to learn for the sake of the final assessment. However, it is up to the skilled teacher to emphasize the process of gaining new knowledge, as opposed to acing the final test. While it can be difficult to grasp at first, backward design encourages educators to be intentional with their lesson planning, since it imbues the class time with a specific purpose.

As the quote below highlights, teaching is not just about engaging students in content. It is also about ensuring students have the resources necessary to understand. Student learning and understanding can be gauged more accurately through a backward design approach since it leverages what students will need to know and understand during the design process in order to progress. Looking ahead to step two of backward design, you will need to identify evidence that an intended learning outcome has been obtained. If a learning outcome is not measurable, then we will not be able to know whether or not our course successfully achieved its goals.

I was first introduced to this concept in my sixth year of teaching, and the genius of it completely blew me away. I used it when planning my next unit and experienced the biggest spike in student success I’d ever seen. On top of that, I was actually excited about teaching the lessons I had planned.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Modern Houses Blueprints for MineCraft Houses, Castles, Towers, and more

minecraft house blueprints

Of all the Folli builds featured on this list, this one is surprisingly my favourite. There's so much scope for building your dream house in Minecraft, and you're really only limited by your imagination and the blocks at your disposal. Over the past decade, there have been millions of houses built by one of the largest playerbases the world has ever seen - and many of these structures are absolutely breathtaking in their beauty and stature. Constructed chiefly of stone and clay, with a bit of wood to offset the lighter colors, this building has a minimalist style to it that greatly brings to mind the sort of place that a modern Silicone Valley billionaire might live. This one doesn’t follow any particular architectural style and follows a relatively simple stone-and-wood exterior color scheme, but it’s a sizable establishment, with multiple rooms and some very appealing interior décor.

Small Modern Villa

She is passionate about voicing fellow fans’ thoughts and opinions while providing fiction enthusiasts with everything they need to feel more familiarized with their favorite titles. Her natural knack for analyzing human cultures, tendencies, and trends has helped her discover fascinating themes, narratives, and underlying subtexts in the titles that she covers. In addition, it also includes a comfortable yet cozy area for animals, as well as a fully equipped lower-level farming space and top-deck planter sections for Minecraft players with a green thumb. This is all finished off with tall slimline windows, well-placed greenery, pot plants, shutters, hanging lanterns, and much more.

Village Generation

minecraft house blueprints

Another easily buildable house for any survival mode Minecraft player, this is a small but attractive home made out of wood and stone bricks by One Team on YouTube. There's nothing particularly fancy going on here - just a well-designed little house brimming with charm. If you'd rather build something a little simpler than the above example, YouTuber Cortezerino gives us this understated design for a Japanese-style village house. Small in stature, the combination of nether brick roofs, stripped logs, and dark fences make it an eye-catching abode despite its size, and a welcome addition to any Minecraft village. She started off in the design field, receiving numerous awards and being featured in online publications, international showcases, and Cosmopolitan magazine. However, she has always had an inherent passion for Psychology, Anthropology, and Hermeneutics, which finds its way into everything she creates.

minecraft house blueprints

Large Japanese House

DiddiHD has put together another treehouse build, this one even larger and located in the middle of a jungle. It's much more sporadic with the placement of its living areas, which gives it a really nice organic look, as though the house has grown over time along with the tree. For another home that blends faultlessly into the landscape, try this lovely mountainside house by JUNS MAB Architecture Tutorial as inspiration. The two glass circles provide a lovely look into the idyllic interior from the outside, as well as allowing all that lovely natural sunlight into the home during the day. Who hasn't felt a desire to live in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere at least once in their lives? Greg Builds has released a tutorial on how to make that dream come true with their excellent Minecraft wooden cabin.

Large Oakwood Survival Cottage (by SheepGG)

Minecraft: 13 Medieval House Designs That Are Perfect For Any Kingdom - GameRant

Minecraft: 13 Medieval House Designs That Are Perfect For Any Kingdom.

Posted: Sat, 09 Oct 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Castles can serve as a base of operations, providing a safe and secure location to store items and resources, as well as a place for you to retreat during attacks from hostile mobs. Castles can also be used for aesthetic purposes, adding to the overall beauty and uniqueness of the player’s Minecraft world. Additionally, building castles can be a creative outlet for players, allowing them to experiment with different building techniques and materials. Castles can be used as a multiplayer project, allowing players to work together to create a shared structure that can be used for various purposes.

Modern House With Pool

Once again, the creator has guided players in creating an efficient indoor living space with a kitchen, lounge, fireplace, and bedroom. This is all held together really effectively by natural wood logs, topped off with detailed fencing, lush greenery, stone steps, flowers, a mini garden, a pet den, and much more. Yet another addition by the above creator is this cottage-style survival base, which uses a darker color palette and a classic combination of wood and stone.

Big Village House

26 Brilliant Minecraft House Ideas - GameRant

26 Brilliant Minecraft House Ideas.

Posted: Tue, 11 Jan 2022 08:00:00 GMT [source]

It's a small, cosy, rustic house that strikes me as the perfect base to build far from your main home. It takes the geometric open-plan quartz design and offsets it with a bit of brick, adding a pool, patio, and backyard to really make your Minecraft self feel like a trendy upper-middle classer. Chiefly constructed out of quartz and glass, it’s got the kind of sleek, minimalist, open-plan style to it that’ll really make you feel like a modern yuppie. Sure, it’s kind of elaborate, and you’ll need to feel confident working with blueprints in order to attempt constructing it (oh, and you’ll need a lot of oak wood). It’s still small and simple to build, but with its overhanging roof and stone chimney, it’s got a classical Gothic look to it that’ll lend your Minecraft outpost a bit of class. As the name implies, this house resembles a hunter’s lodge; and amidst a lush, remote forest, this simple red-brick building will no doubt feel very cozy and inviting.

Let’s start this list off with a more spooky entry to the Minecraft house ideas, with this jaw-dropping skull mountain base, designed by YouTuber ‘Ayvocado’. This is peak creativity and you’ll be able to show off your building skills with this one. Folli is back with an incredibly comprehensive 90 minute video showing you how to put together a fabulously intricate house inspired by Japanese architecture. Instead of the tall pagoda featured in SheepGG's build, this structure is a two-storey manor, but it is no less stunning, and might be a better choice if you're looking for a building project with less verticality. The prismarine blocks used to create the roofing are especially nice, and provide a striking contrast against the dark wooden walls. Zaypixel is back, this time with the ideal home for a reclusive and powerful spellcaster.

Fisher Cottage

The materials required are far from cheap, and are largely composed of quartz, concrete, and granite as well as the more affordable stone and sandstone blocks - but the results are exquisite. This lovely brick-roofed fairytale cottage from BigTonyMC really feels like it could house either the innocent protagonist or the seemingly pleasant but actually evil villain that you'll find in any Brothers Grimm fable. This build gives off effortless charm, and is the perfect inspiration for anyone who wants to give their home more of a fairytale feel. With this next house, YouTuber YalChu used nether brick to create a lovely and eye-catching red roofed home that is bound to provide great inspiration for lots of aspiring builders. It's a compact creation surrounded by a stone and iron bar fence, with a small but mighty garden and a compact but stylish interior. If you want to set up home in the Mangrove Swamp, then YouTuber Folli has created a lovely looking starter house out of materials found in the biome.

This very simple rectangular building remains great for practice but is also ideal for remote locations. Old designs from pre-1.14 villages are documented on Village/Structure (old)/Blueprints. Especially if you've built an awe-inspiring palace that's the envy of all your friends.

While you are perusing these awesome Minecraft house ideas, why not check out the best Minecraft survival servers – this way you can build one of these house ideas in a server that suits you. With Minecraft not being the most modern looking of places, why not change that up with this awesome Minecraft house idea? This small modern house is a great way to stand out from the rest of the crowd, with its up-to-date features and stylings that are a breath of fresh air in Minecraft.

The interior features a comfortable living space, including a functional kitchen and a well-lit living area. This is all topped off with plenty of greenery for a lush and cozy woodlands feel, as well as a few scattered haybales, plenty of flowers, and a useful waterway. This aesthetic cozy cottage uses a blend of stone types for a realistic feel, topped with picturesque lanterns behind glass window panes. These elements are contrasted by the use of wooden fences as beams, as well as smooth blocks for a ‘painted wall’ appearance.

63 Kitchen Cabinet Ideas For a Stunning Kitchen

Table Of Content Retro Contemporary Deep Green Cabinets Rose Gold Accents Streamlined Storage SEKTION High cabinet for micro w 4 doors, 30x2...